Below is a portrait I shot of my wife last weekend. Isn't she cute?
The photo was captured using a Leica M 240 with the Noctilux 0.95 lens at full aperture and at close up distance of about 1.0m. Her face was lit by window light and from a tungsten light source in the cafe. The Noctilux is fantastic for these kinds of situations.
The picture has been subject to more post-processing than I usually do. It took some efforts to retouch the picture and to make the colours in the picture look right. High contrast was handled well by the Noctilux, but I had to tweak the levels/curve exposure control in LR5 quite a bit to give the picture overall an appropriate lighting.
I am still not 100 % satisfied with the post-processing, but happy enough to published it here now - with approval from my wife :-)!